06 Dec
  • By Caritas Nairobi

Kenyan Bishops Release Anti-Corruption Prayer

In recent weeks, Kenyan Bishops have made headlines with the launch of a national campaign to end corruption. Recently, the Bishops released a prayer to accompany the anti-corruption crusade. Kenyan Bishops are urging citizens to make a personal commitment against corruption. October 5th, the Catholic Bishops of Kenya, led thousands of the Catholic faithful at the national shrine of Subukia in launching the nation-wide anti-corruption campaign that will last for six months. Equally, the Bishops released a prayer dedicated to end corruption.

Prayer: Let us Break the Chain of Corruption; by the Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops

Father in heaven, you always provide for all your creatures, so that they may live as you have always willed. You have blessed our country Kenya with rich human and natural resources to be used in honour and glory and for the well-being of every Kenyan. We are deeply sorrowful for the wrong use of these your gifts and blessings through the act of corruption, as a result of which many of our people are hungry, sick, homeless and displaced, ignorant and defenseless. Father, you alone can heal us of this sickness which leads to death. We humbly beg you, touch our lives and those of our leaders so that we may realize the evil of corruption and work hard to eliminate it. For any citizen who has acquired anything through corrupt means, Lord, give him or her, the spirit of courage to make a restitution and come back to you. Raise up for us God-fearing citizens and leaders who care for us and who will lead us in the path of peace, justice, prosperity, progress and above all, Love. We make our prayer through Christ our Lord. Lord graciously hear us.

 Source: English Africa Service – Vatican City

About The Caritas Nairobi

Caritas Nairobi is the aid and development agency of the Catholic Archdiocese of Nairobi. Caritas is an ordered service to the community and is inspired by Gospel values and the Catholic Social Teachings, to respond to disasters, promote integral human development and advocate on the causes of poverty and conflict.